Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dasha At The Agility Competition

We took Dasha earlier this month to Westworld for the agility competition. We had a nice time. It was good to get Dasha out to do something out of the ordinary. It could have been a little cooler, I think it was 90 degrees that day. You gotta love November in Phoenix.

We got to watch the fly-ball competition. It was amazing. I've seen them on TV before, but to be there in person to see the excitement that is going on is pretty crazy. We work day and night to Dasha to calm down and not be so hyper, but these people were doing everything they could to get their dogs all riled up. It was fun to watch.

Here are some pictures from the day. It looks like she was sticking her tongue out at me.

She didn't really want to jump the bar, but finally did it!!

And here are a couple of videos from the day as well. I was pretty sure that the tubes were out of the question. And the weave poles could use some work as well. I don't think she's going to be winning any competitions with this performance.

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